Can You Guess What Some Children Are Hoping for This Christmas?
Do you remember as a child, or maybe your own child, circling a toy that was wanted for Christmas in a sales flyer? Imagine two little girls looking through a Christmas sales flyer that was delivered in the mail. Their eyes sparkle as they circle items in the sales flyer that they want for Christmas. But they aren’t circling toys for Christmas – they are circling food for their family! More than 12 million children in our country are going hungry. They aren’t wishing for toys, they are wishing for food for their empty stomachs! No one should be hungry, especially at Christmas.
Please remember those who are facing hunger this Christmas. Won’t you please give a financial gift to FHFH today? Any amount you can give will make a big difference to those in need! Picture the joy on the faces of children, women and men as they sit down to eat a meal Christmas Day – all because you cared and shared your blessings! What a wonderful feeling knowing you made that possible!
On behalf of FHFH and all those in our country suffering from hunger, we THANK YOU for your generous support!

Josh Wilson
Executive Director
Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry