New Hunters Guide Podcast – FHFH Interview

Listen to a recent episode of the New Hunters Guide podcast, as FHFH Executive Director Josh Wilson shares his story with host George Konetes, and talks about ways that hunters can help feed those in need without spending a penny. CLICK HERE to listen to the interview...

Mid-Shore Community Foundation Provides Funding to FHFH

The Mid-Shore Community Foundation has awarded $10,000 in grant funding to FHFH for chapters serving Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne’s and Talbot counties in Maryland.​This funding will assist FHFH in providing approximately 20,000 meal servings of nutritious meat to...

2,700 Servings of Meat Donated in Ohio

Our Delaware County chapter in Ohio chapter donated over 2,700 meat servings for the needy of Delaware County. The meat was processed by Oiler Meat Processing! We thank the hunters who donated, Oiler Meat Processing and Delaware County FHFH chapter coordinator Justin...

Buck and Doe Donated to FHFH in Maryland

Dave McMullen, chapter coordinator for Anne Arundel County FHFH in Maryland, donated his buck to FHFH in November.  Dave also donated a doe he harvested later.Thank you Dave for being chapter coordinator and donating your buck and doe to feed the hungry in your...

First Deer of the Season Donated to FHFH

Halle “Daisy” Lucas in Ohio donated her first deer of the season to FHFH to help people in need and she shared these comments with us… ​One of the quickest hunts I’ve ever had. It was a great shot made at 10 yards or less. I look forward to donating...