HUNT DOWN HUNGER is a campaign promoted by our ministry to encourage increased hunter participation, and public support for hunters for the hungry programs. The goal is to increase the amount of nutritious game meat donated to feed the hungry of local communities across America.
Where can I donate deer and elk?
You can donate legally harvested deer and elk to hundreds of local butcher shops that participate with over 35 different hunters for the hungry programs across the country. These programs usually help pay the meat processing bills. The meat is then given to hunger relief charities and ministries such as food banks and homeless shelters.
How much meat do hunters donate each year?
An average deer can provide 40 pounds of lean, nutritious meat – enough for 160 meal servings of spaghetti sauce, tacos, chili, and more. Hunters collectively donate nearly 10 million meal servings of meat to the hungry each year. Currently just 1 to 2 percent of the deer harvested across the nation are donated. Together we can do so much more!
How can I help?
- HUNTERS – Locate a butcher participating with a hunters for the hungry program and donate your deer.
- SUPPORTERS – Make a tax-deductible gift to support the work of a hunters for the hungry program.
- VOLUNTEERS – Contact a hunters for the hungry program to learn about opportunities to help.
- MEDIA – Include information about hunters for the hungry programs in your hunting coverage.
Where to Donate – Butchers and Programs
Find Participating Butchers and Contacts who work with our ministry, along with links to Other Venison Donation Programs on the map below. Donations must be field dressed and tagged according to your state’s game regulations.
We recommend contacting butchers to verify current participation status!
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