Dictionary.com defines a hero as “a person who, in the opinion of others, has special achievements, abilities, or personal qualities and is regarded as a role model or ideal.”
Hunters and farmers who donate deer and livestock to feed the hungry are people who care about the hungry people in our country and they take action to do something about it! They serve as positive role models by helping those in need and giving back to their communities. When they feed the hungry, they contribute to creating a community with a better quality of life. They are making a difference and giving hope to the people who are unable to get enough to eat!

FHFH and the hungry men, women and children in our country thank each caring hunter and farmer who took action by donating deer or livestock to FHFH! Your personal qualities of caring, taking action, and being a positive role model makes you a hero!
To donate deer or livestock to a participating FHFH meat processor CLICK HERE.