You’ve probably been invited to join lots of things – clubs, bowling leagues, churches, parent-teacher organizations, discount stores, loyalty programs and many more! Sometimes you’ve said yes and other times no. The word “join” appears in a variety of ads and marketing materials. We even use it when inviting people to become part of our mission to feed the hungry.
There are two main reasons we consider joining something. The first is to get something in return. Memberships can often include special privileges, discounts or gift items. The second is to support something we believe in. This could include a cause or an organization that we support with our time or money.
We invite you to join in supporting our mission of helping hunters and farmers donate meat to hungry men, women and children. Your contribution helps us continue the important work of recruiting and training volunteers in communities nationwide. With your help we supply the resources, materials and staff services they need to carry out this ministry to the hungry.
Since 1997 we’ve provided over 17.8 million servings of nutritious meat to the needy of America. With your help we can feed millions more.
So please…join the cause with a donation today!