He’s trying to study, but can’t because he’s too hungry!
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, ….” Matthew 25:35
There are some things in life that can’t be changed, but hunger is not one of them!
In America, 1 in 6 children may not know where they will get their next meal. For the nearly 13 million kids in the U.S. facing hunger, getting the energy they need to learn and grow can be a day-in, day-out challenge. It’s not just young children who are not getting enough to eat. Tim Miller, Associate Dean of Students, George Washington University stated, “40% of students struggled with hunger in some way throughout the month.” (Source: Feeding America)
Children who are denied an adequate diet are at a greater risk of not reaching their full potential as individuals. Children who are undernourished have trouble concentrating and bonding with other children and are more likely to suffer illnesses that force them to be absent from school. They consistently perform more poorly on standardized tests. Poor performance early in school is a major risk factor for dropping out of school in later years. According to labor statistics, educational attainment is perhaps the greatest indicator of job and income mobility, so the impact of childhood hunger can be lifelong. Studies have also shown time and time again that even mildly undernourished children may potentially suffer abnormal brain, cognitive, and psychological impairment that, if not corrected, can be irreversible.
Our children are our future! We are asking you to please make a donation to FHFH today so we can continue to provide the needed protein to those who are struggling with hunger and help make the future better for everyone!
There are some things in life that can’t be changed, but hunger is not one of them!
In America, 1 in 6 children may not know where they will get their next meal. For the nearly 13 million kids in the U.S. facing hunger, getting the energy they need to learn and grow can be a day-in, day-out challenge. It’s not just young children who are not getting enough to eat. Tim Miller, Associate Dean of Students, George Washington University stated, “40% of students struggled with hunger in some way throughout the month.” (Source: Feeding America)
Children who are denied an adequate diet are at a greater risk of not reaching their full potential as individuals. Children who are undernourished have trouble concentrating and bonding with other children and are more likely to suffer illnesses that force them to be absent from school. They consistently perform more poorly on standardized tests. Poor performance early in school is a major risk factor for dropping out of school in later years. According to labor statistics, educational attainment is perhaps the greatest indicator of job and income mobility, so the impact of childhood hunger can be lifelong. Studies have also shown time and time again that even mildly undernourished children may potentially suffer abnormal brain, cognitive, and psychological impairment that, if not corrected, can be irreversible.
Our children are our future! We are asking you to please make a donation to FHFH today so we can continue to provide the needed protein to those who are struggling with hunger and help make the future better for everyone!

Your financial support enables us to pay the meat processing costs for donated deer and livestock. Won’t you please consider making a tax-deductible financial gift today? You can be assured your gift is well spent and you’ll know you have helped someone who is in need.
$10 = meat for 20 meals
$25 = meat for 50 meals
$50 = meat for 100 meals
CLICK HERE to make a secure online donation.
You can also mail a donation to Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry at P.O. Box 323, Williamsport, MD 21795. If you’d like to designate your donation for a particular FHFH Chapter, please write the chapter name, code or county in the memo line of the check.
You can donate deer or livestock. CLICK HERE to find a participating FHFH meat processor in your area.

On behalf of FHFH and all those in our country suffering from hunger, we THANK YOU for your support!
Josh Wilson
Executive Director
Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry