Hunger and the “Golden Years”
Nearly 5 million senior citizens are facing hunger in our country, yet too often they are forgotten. Limited income, diminished earnings or not being able to work at all have left too many of our senior citizens in a fragile financial state. Seniors with the lowest incomes are most at risk of being food insecure. Yet, about two-thirds of food-insecure seniors have income above the federal poverty line, and many likely do not qualify for federal nutrition programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). (Data source: Feeding America) After a lifetime of hard work, too many seniors find themselves having to choose between buying groceries or paying for medical care, utilities or housing costs. They are going hungry during their “golden years” and that’s not acceptable!
The number of seniors facing hunger is expected to get worse. Since 2001, the rate of hunger among seniors aged 60 and older has increased by 45%. At the current rate, the number of food-insecure seniors may grow to more than 8 million by 2050. (Data source: Feeding America)
Older Americans are at an increased risk for a variety of chronic health conditions and poor nutrition raises the risk for disease. A nutritious diet, including protein, is crucial to good health for all age groups.
In a country with more than enough food our senior citizens should not be going hungry! Our seniors need our help! How will you help them? If you’ve ever been a recipient of a random act of kindness when you were in need, you know how wonderful it felt! It also feels wonderful to know you’ve touched another person’s life with kindness. FHFH is committed to ending hunger and creating a better future for our citizens. Won’t you please join with FHFH and help provide food to the senior citizens of our country who are struggling with hunger? Whether you give a financial gift, donate deer or livestock, volunteer, or share FHFH’s mission of feeding the hungry with others, your caring efforts make a difference to those in need and inspire others to do acts of kindness.
On behalf of FHFH and all those in our country suffering from hunger, we THANK YOU for your support!
Nearly 5 million senior citizens are facing hunger in our country, yet too often they are forgotten. Limited income, diminished earnings or not being able to work at all have left too many of our senior citizens in a fragile financial state. Seniors with the lowest incomes are most at risk of being food insecure. Yet, about two-thirds of food-insecure seniors have income above the federal poverty line, and many likely do not qualify for federal nutrition programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) or the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). (Data source: Feeding America) After a lifetime of hard work, too many seniors find themselves having to choose between buying groceries or paying for medical care, utilities or housing costs. They are going hungry during their “golden years” and that’s not acceptable!
The number of seniors facing hunger is expected to get worse. Since 2001, the rate of hunger among seniors aged 60 and older has increased by 45%. At the current rate, the number of food-insecure seniors may grow to more than 8 million by 2050. (Data source: Feeding America)
Older Americans are at an increased risk for a variety of chronic health conditions and poor nutrition raises the risk for disease. A nutritious diet, including protein, is crucial to good health for all age groups.
In a country with more than enough food our senior citizens should not be going hungry! Our seniors need our help! How will you help them? If you’ve ever been a recipient of a random act of kindness when you were in need, you know how wonderful it felt! It also feels wonderful to know you’ve touched another person’s life with kindness. FHFH is committed to ending hunger and creating a better future for our citizens. Won’t you please join with FHFH and help provide food to the senior citizens of our country who are struggling with hunger? Whether you give a financial gift, donate deer or livestock, volunteer, or share FHFH’s mission of feeding the hungry with others, your caring efforts make a difference to those in need and inspire others to do acts of kindness.
On behalf of FHFH and all those in our country suffering from hunger, we THANK YOU for your support!

Josh Wilson
Executive Director
Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry