“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, ….” Matthew 25:35
Hunting season has begun in many parts of our country.
Hunters are not only providing venison to feed their own families, but they are donating deer to FHFH’s participating meat processors to help feed men, women and children who are struggling to get enough to eat. The processed meat is then given to food banks, food pantries and feeding ministries. But hunger isn’t seasonal – it’s all year round. Hunting season is an important time of the year to stock up on much needed venison for the remainder of the year.

People who are food insecure lack sustainable physical or economic access to enough safe, nutritious, and socially acceptable food for a healthy and productive life. Protein is a vital component of a balanced diet for proper growth and good health.
Food banks and other feeding programs often list meat and protein items among their top food donation needs. The donation of fresh meat is typically less frequent than other food items, and due to the higher cost of meat, most agencies are unable to purchase sufficient quantities. Venison is a nutritious low fat protein source.
Individuals, businesses, churches, clubs and foundations make contributions to FHFH to help cover the costs of processing, packaging and freezing the meat so there is no cost to the hunter donating the deer or to those receiving the meat.
FHFH has provided 18.7 MILLION servings of meat to feed people struggling with hunger. And it’s because of people like you that we have been able to do it!
A thank you note we received says it well:
“Hey guys, we can’t say enough about FHFH to our friends and fans. Thanks for doing what you’re doing. I was able to send a big doe your way from Ohio last night. It’s an amazing feeling being able to donate to someone in need by doing what I love. Hunting has always been a huge part of my life and I have passed it on to my 4 year old son (Mason). All he wants to do is donate deer to the ‘hungry.’ When I asked why he wants to, he says, ‘It makes us heroes!’ That, to me, lets me know who I am. Thanks again guys and we hope to send more soon.” – Elton
Won’t you please consider helping someone in need? Here are some ways you can help:
Donate deer or livestock. CLICK HERE to find an FHFH participating meat processor.
CLICK HERE to make a secure online donation.
$10 = meat for 20 meals
$25 = meat for 50 meals
$50 = meat for 100 meals
You can also mail a donation to Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry at P.O. Box 323, Williamsport, MD 21795. If you’d like to designate your donation for a particular FHFH Chapter, please write the chapter name, code or county in the memo line of the check.
On behalf of FHFH and all those in our country suffering from hunger, we THANK YOU for your donation!

Josh Wilson
Executive Director
Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry