The Stories

Together we are having a tremendous positive impact in communities across America! Read some of the wonderful stories and testimonies from our participating food banks, feeding ministries, farmers, hunters, volunteers, and sponsors!

Treatment Center Blessed with Venison

Meat Pickup March 2025 EnhFHFH was blessed with many hunters willing to donate venison in Wayne County Ohio this past year. Hunters gave 127 deer which made it possible to help even more local ministry groups feed the hungry! Check out this note from one of our distribution partners that received meat…

OneEighty would like to thank Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry of Wayne County for the donation of deer meat. The men staying at Pathway Residential Treatment Center were thrilled to receive this meat for their upcoming meals. Clients at our residential treatment centers cook for themselves and their fellow housemates. Deer meat is one of their favorite meats to cook with.”

Generous Venison Donation Helps Feed the Hungry in Ohio

OH 15 Bellbrook Sugarcreek Center

Dave Cope from the Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Community Support Center picked up a generous supply of donated venison from Davidson’s Meat Processing in Waynesville, OH the week before Christmas. Dave shared this message with us…

“Thank you so much for helping us feed our neighbors in need again this year. We really appreciate what Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry does in Southwest Ohio to assist us! We also appreciate the team at Davidson’s for their friendly and generous support of our shared mission. There will be fresh protein on many tables in our community tonight that otherwise would have none!”

HALO Ministry Grateful for Venison Donations

Halo Logo Eating


We donated venison to HALO Ministry in Salisbury, Maryland and received this heartwarming note of thanks:

“I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the generous donation of meat from Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry. Your contribution has been instrumental in enabling Halo Cafe to fulfill its mission of providing three meals a day, seven days a week, to our community. The meat donation has allowed us to create a variety of nutritious and delicious meals, including goulash, spaghetti, cheeseburger macaroni casserole and chili.

As the number of individuals we serve continues to grow, your donation has helped us meet the challenge of providing more meals while ensuring that we make the most of our food resources. On behalf of everyone at Halo Cafe, I want to extend our deepest appreciation for your support. Thank you once again for your kindness and generosity.” – Dale Gibbs, HALO Cafe Coordinator

Donations to Rescue Mission Were a Blessing

WV 01 Martinsburg Rescue Mission Donation July 2024

FHFH recently noticed some needed food items listed on the Martinsburg Union Rescue Mission website, so we purchased and donated 25 pounds of ground beef, 24 pounds of chicken breasts, and 180 eggs in support of their ministry to the hungry. We received the following message in response to this donation:

“Thank you for the meat and eggs you donated to the Martinsburg Rescue Mission. You are a blessing to our ministry. I am so thankful for friends like you who take seriously our Lord’s command to care for those in need. Your compassion is a daily encouragement to our staff and to everyone who comes to our doors in search of help.” – Pastor Tim Guerino, Executive Director

Meat Donations Making a Difference

Frederick Food Bank 2024 Food Distribution Site“The Department of Housing and Human Services is deeply grateful for the FHFH initiative, which has been instrumental in our ability to assist countless families in Frederick facing food insecurity. Without your ongoing support that we’ve received over the years, our mission would be impossible. Our heartfelt thanks extend to the generous hunters who contribute deer for processing, as well as to the local butchers whose collaboration is invaluable to the success of our food programs.” ~ Michele Ott, Assistant Director, Department of Housing and Human Services, The City of Frederick

In the photo, meat donated by FHFH to the Frederick Food Bank was taken in coolers to their off-site food distribution and included in the food bags that they provide to 75 different families each week.

Giving Hope to People in Need

Refuge Of Hope Volunteers Meatballs 2

We received this note of appreciation for FHFH’s donation of meat to Hope of Refuge located in Canton, Ohio and the blessing the donations are making for people in need in their community:

“Refuge of Hope has been incredibly blessed to receive donations from FHFH. Last month we were gifted 2400 pounds. For perspective, we use 150-200 lbs. of ground beef for 1 night’s serving of meatloaf. Mixing in venison makes the ground beef go so much further. We create many delicious meals like pasta with meat sauce, sausage gravy, taco Tuesday’s, meatballs, burgers, sloppy joes, and more! A donation like this allows us to prepare 24 more meals per month without having to buy meat! It will get us through the rest of this year. Thank you so very much for this tremendous blessing!” 
~ Kristie Woods, Director of Community Relations for Refuge of Hope Ministries

H.O.P.E. Ministries of Delmarva Grateful for Venison Donations

HOPE Ministries Logo

FHFH received this note of thanks for our donation of venison to H.O.P.E. Ministries of Delmarva located in Maryland.

“We at H.O.P.E. Ministries of Delmarva wanted to reach out and let you know how grateful we are for this organization and their partnership with farmers and hunters to help provide protein in the form of venison to ministries like ours.

We are forever grateful, first and foremost, for God’s provision and also for the support of our community and our volunteers. FHFH, in supplying us with venison, has enabled us to provide approximately 9,000 meals so far this year and over 99,000 meals, since our inception in January 2016, to those families and individuals who are in need of assistance.”

H.O.P.E. Ministries Board of Directors

Meat Donations to Colorado Food Pantry Help Feed the Hunger

Fairplay Food Pantry 9

Meat Cleaver, an FHFH participating butcher shop in Denver, Colorado, received this note of thanks for venison and beef donations from FHFH to the Fairplay Food Pantry:

“Today we served 161 Individuals and 69 families. We distributed all of the ground meat products, chicken, pork and processed fish along with hundreds of pounds of fruits and vegetables and dry goods. It was a very successful day. The extra ground venison helped ensure that everyone got some meat! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support!” ~ Mayor Frank Just of Fairplay, Colorado

One Minute Here – The Next Minute Gone

Aarons Place Food Pantry Denton MD 2 CmbMid-Shore FHFH donated venison to Aaron’s Place in Denton, Maryland and we received a note of thanks which demonstrates the great need for meat by food banks:

We picked up a nice donation of venison. As soon as the truck was unloaded and the boxes of venison were placed on carts to be bought into the pantry, the people that were lining up at the pantry saw the venison and started asking if they could have any. We distributed maybe 12-15 boxes of venison before it was even fully placed in the pantry. It was like, one minute it was here and the next minute it was ALL gone. Once one person found out what we had, they told others and it all went – mostly ground in tubes, some steaks. And that’s my story – it was like it vanished without a trace!!! Thanks! – Cheryl Beulah, Executive Director, Aarons Place, Inc.

Venison Donated to Food Pantry in Indiana

Bloomfield Food Pantry Indiana 2 22 21Bloomfield Community Food Pantry is a community-wide service that is administered by Bloomfield First Baptist Church to provide food to those in need. They are staffed entirely by volunteers from several different churches in the Bloomfield area. Per month, they see an average of 90 different families come through their pantry. Many of these families have an ongoing need and are repeat customers.

Greene County FHFH in Indiana donated ground venison to Bloomfield Community Food Pantry and we received a thank you note from them:

“Dear Brady and FHFH organization,

Thank you, thank you for the donation of 442 pounds of ground venison. Several people ask for deer meat when they come to the food pantry and now we can offer it to them.

The Bloomfield Food Pantry is seeing more people needing help with food insecurity. We are open three days a week from 9:00 AM – 11:00 Am and one evening 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM.

You bless many families and the pantry. Thank you again!

God bless you,
Members of the Bloomfield Community Food Pantry”

We thank Greene County FHFH volunteer coordinator Brady Miller, the hunters who donated deer and the financial supporters of FHFH who made it possible for us to help feed people struggling with hunger in Bloomfield, Indiana.

Church Food Pantry Thankful for Meat Donations

Mohican Church Of The Brethren Wayne County Ohio 1 28 23

Our food pantry at church has been wonderfully blessed by the ministry of FHFH, and so have the folks we serve. Many thanks to the organization and to those of you who have donated a deer or two. – Paul Bartholomew, Pastor of Mohican Church of the Brethren, West Salem, Ohio

Frederick Food Bank Thankful for Meat Donations

Meat Donation To Frederick Food Bank December 2022 4

FHFH has donated meat over the years to the Frederick Food Bank in Maryland. We received a note of appreciation from the food bank for our continued support.

“We appreciate the FHFH program so much, and we couldn’t serve all of the families in need in Frederick without the continued support over the years! We are also thankful for all of the hunters who donate the deer for processing and for the local butchers that support the program!” – Sarah McAleavy, Supervisor of CACFP; Frederick Community Action Agency

Meat Donation Helps Families in North Carolina

Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach Meat Donation Dec 2022 3FHFH donated meat to the Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach and received this note of thanks:

“Thanks again for your generosity in donating 103 pounds of ground venison. Our families will appreciate it very much!” – Karen King, Outreach Manager, Hickory Nut Gorge Outreach (Lake Lure, NC)

The Caring Place, Indiana
The Caring Place Meat Donation Valparaiso 2 In 9 1 21

FHFH recently had the privilege to pay the meat processing costs for a steer donated to The Caring Place in Indiana.

The Caring Place, Inc. provides inclusive service, shelter, and ongoing support for people experiencing domestic violence. Through advocacy, education, and awareness, they empower people to build supportive, respectful, compassionate relationships. Their organization primarily serves victims in Lake, Porter and Starke counties in Northwest Indiana, but may include victims across the country.

​We received a note of appreciation from them for the donation of the meat processing cost for the steer:

Roy Wilson of the Porter County Buyer’s Group recently donated and delivered one 941 pound steer to The Caring Place in Valparaiso, IN. Roy passed along that Farmers & Hunters Feeding The Hungry donated the processing of the meat, and we wanted to let you know how grateful we are. We’ve also publicly expressed our gratitude to all who made this possible on our Facebook page!

You will be receiving an official acknowledgment letter from our CEO in the mail, but we also wanted to personally contact you to let you know how meaningful this gift is to our shelter and the clients we serve. Thank you for working with Roy to make this happen. And thank you for all that your organization does to help organizations like ours and people in need.

With warm regards and gratitude,
Amy Blythe and The Caring Place

Frederick Community Action Agency, MD

Frederick Community Action Agency

The Frederick Community Action Agency would like to express our deepest gratitude to Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry for their support every year! Without your support, many of the families facing food insecurity in Frederick County would not have meat for their meals they prepare for their families. Also, deer meat provides the essential protein that we require and is so much healthier than processed meat.

Again, thank you very much for your continued support, and we look forward to future donations from Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry!
~ Michele Out, Frederick Community Action Agency

School Food Bank, Wicomico County, MD

School Food Bank

FHFH distributes meat to children and families struggling with hunger in Wicomico County, Maryland through a partnership with a local school food bank. We received the following letter from a parent whose family benefited from the meat provided by hunters this past season…

“I want to thank you for helping our family with food provisions, including deer meat. Being single and helping my sister raise her 6 children can be quite challenging. From a nutritional perspective, the deer meat provided protein without fat and added chemicals that donated processed meat contains. The deer meat provides the same flexibility in different meals that beef provides, only it is much healthier. Our family enjoyed the meat, especially when we used it in chili. Each pack of meat fed 8 people, with some left over to partially feed a lunch meal the next day.

I also helped deliver food boxes that contained the deer meat to other homes in our school community. Many of these families had no transportation to come to the school to pick up the meals. A memory I will never forget was when we were knocking on a trailer door. It seemed no one would answer, so we left it on the steps. It was cold, and we weren’t worried about it spoiling. As we were stepping away, a little girl about 11 or 12 opened the door, saw the boxes and shouted excitedly into the trailer, ‘We’ve got food!’ Supporting the people who provide the deer meat is a much-needed essential in our community.

The deer is plentiful, and hunters who reach their limit often donate the deer knowing it can be used in local food banks. But there are no processing plants to turn the deer into food for the table. Nor would we want that as it would remove the clean natural healthy chemical free protein that deer meat provides. The flexibility of meals with the meat makes it choice meat.”

We also received three wonderful thank you notes from students whose families received deer meat through the program…

We Also Received Three

These messages are a blessing and a testament to the good work being accomplished by the volunteers, hunters, financial donors, and participating meat processors in Wicomico County, Maryland. This is just one example of the impact our ministry is having in many local communities!

The Jericho House, Georgia

The Jericho House Georgia

Joe Schuster, FHFH coordinator for North Georgia Foothills, shared this about the importance of donating venison to organizations such as The Jericho House:

The Jericho House is a Christ-centered drug and alcohol recovery program located in the beautiful Sautee Nacoochee Valley in the mountains of North Georgia. It ministers healing and restoration to men caught in addiction using biblical counseling, teaching, small groups and work programs.

In January 2020, my participating meat processor, Chuck Cotzer, asked if we could direct our meat donation to someone he knew with an admirable program—Larry McKenna of Jericho House. I contacted Larry to offer some meat, and he immediately replied with a hearty ‘yes and thank you!’ I checked in with Larry recently to learn more about how he and Chuck had gotten to know each other…

“Joe, a few years back I met my friend and someone that I call my brother, Chuck, as we shared a mutual love for motorcycles. From there, we learned that we had a common interest in hunting and harvesting deer. I have hunted north Georgia and have brought all my deer to be processed through his processing,” said Larry. “I also got to know that Chuck has a big heart for those in need, and now we have been blessed to receive a bounty of deer meat thanks to you and Chuck. The food aids us in our budget for feeding 25 men in our recovery program, and we are truly thankful!”

This past year, Joe and our North Georgia Foothills chapter donated over 500 pounds of venison to assist with the food budget of Jericho House! To learn more about The Jericho House, visit them online at

Bloomfield Food Pantry

Bloomfield Food Pantry

​Thank you so much for remembering our food pantry with the donation of ground venison from FHFH. We were almost out when you called and offered the meat to us. Just about everybody that comes to the pantry wants a pound or two of venison each visit.

You have blessed so many families through the FHFH organization giving the meat. This year has been a rough one for many families, but FHFH supplied meat that was much needed. Again, thank you and God bless you and the members of Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry. ~ The members of the Bloomfield Food Pantry

Passing Along the Tradition of Hunting

OH 15 Don Distler And GrandsonDon Distler, a hunter and FHFH volunteer in Ohio wrote:

“Hunting is a pastime that is passed down from generation to generation. Whether you were taught by a family member or a friend, they likely shared their hunting traditions with you.

Traditions make us feel closer to the ones we share the tradition with. It’s something tangible that we can look back on to remember holidays and important events. It reminds us of the generations that came before us and provides a connection to why we hunt.

It is now my honor and pleasure to pass the hunting tradition down to my grandson Emmett. He and I have practiced with a crossbow, gone to the range to shoot my 350 legend and have gone to the woods together scouting and hunting.

Last year together, we harvested his first deer. From that deer he and I prepared a meal and fed the family to bring it full circle.

This year’s goal is to donate a deer to FHFH and have him accompany me to deliver that meat to a local feeding ministry so he can see how it impacts others. Hopefully I can pass that tradition on to him as well.”

Father and Son Deer Donation

Trio Photo

Dad and I have discussed hunting and FHFH many times over the past 25 years since I moved back to Ohio after leaving the Army in 1998.

He had visited several times and had gone to a few Whitetails Unlimited banquets where he assisted me in raffling muzzleloaders, selling hats and T-Shirts and talking with people at those banquets about FHFH.

After losing his wife to cancer in January and himself breaking his hip in February, dad moved back to Ohio with my wife and I after living in California and Arizona for almost 50 years.

His dream was to hunt with me again (which we were able to do once when he lived in California). So together we built a platform and set up a ground blind on it, put it next to the house and practiced with my Mission Crossbow. After he was comfortable getting in and out of the blind and with the crossbow, I moved the ground blind and platform to the back of the property.

On September 27, 2022 (his 88th birthday), we made that dream come true. We hunted together for the first time in almost 30 years. That day, dad harvested his first deer and we did it together.

As we sat in the blind celebrating together, giving thanks, reviewing the video and allowing her time to expire, dad looked at me and said “She’s going to feed a lot of people.” I asked him if that meant that he was going to donate her and he said that he wanted to follow my example and donate his first deer. Not only was it his first deer of the season, this was his first deer ever.

Leviticus 27:30 says, “A tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, is the Lord’s…” And Proverbs 3:9 says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.”

The Lord blessed him with a nice doe on September 27th and then another one for me on October 28th. Both (our first fruits) were donated to FHFH. Dad and I delivered those two and several other donated deer to the Breiel Church Pantry and to the Hope House Rescue Mission both in Middletown, Ohio.

“Worship Service Buck” Donated to FHFH

Matt Coblentz PA 08 Deer Donation Nov 2022Matt Coblentz, Coordinator of Lehigh Valley FHFH (PA-08), recently donated a buck to FHFH!  Here is Matt’s story:

“Yesterday was the first of three open deer hunting Sundays for 2022 here in Pennsylvania. I was able to be out in a tree stand while live streaming our church service on my phone. With one headphone in my ear listening to the worship music, I was blessed to have this deer walk in to about 25 yards and give me a good shot. I saw the buck fall within 75 yards and kept listening to the rest of the message.  Glad to have this deer to donate to Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry.  Many people here in the Lehigh Valley need a little help, and the meat from this healthy buck should provide around 275 meal servings!”

Thank you Matt for donating your deer to feed those in need in your community and for serving as a volunteer coordinator with FHFH!

 Generous Youth in Indiana Donates a Buck and a Doe to FHFH

Generous Youth In Indiana

In 2019, Andrew in Indiana shot and donated a button buck to FHFH for the local food pantry. He also harvested a nice 13 point that he kept for a mount. With his donation, Andrew was entered into a contest for a gift card, which he won! The gift card was used to purchase a new hunting rifle that he used in 2020 to shoot two does and another large buck—this time a 9-point that is in the process of being mounted as well. He donated the buck along with one of the does to FHFH. He just had both bucks measured and scored. The one from 2019 was 155 7/8 and the one from 2020 was 153 1/8.
Andrew loves hunting, and his family appreciates having the opportunity to donate the meat locally to help feed those in need once their own freezer is full. Andrew is an honor roll freshman, runs varsity cross country, participates in 4-H and FFA, and he loves hunting, trapping, fishing, forging, and welding. Now he’s added “feeding the hungry” to his young list of accomplishments!
Thank you, Andrew, for donating your buck to FHFH and helping to feed the hungry people in your community!

First Buck Donated to FHFH
First Buck Donated

Kelli donated her first buck to Black Fork FHFH (OH-43) last year. Kelli shared how she helped feed people in need.

“My third time ever hunting, I was able to help feed the hungry with a nice buck. I was very fortunate to hunt in a deer stand that my stepdad built for me, because I broke my foot prior to hunting. I shot the deer with a 450 Bushmaster right after sunrise, about 80 yards out. I will never forget shooting my first buck, and the families it was able to feed.”

Thank you, Kelli, for donating your buck to FHFH. Because of your generosity, approximately 200 servings of meat will be provided to people struggling with hunger.

Generous Youth’s Wish to Donate Her First Deer to FHFH to Feed the Hungry Comes True!

Generous Youths Wish To Donate

Chad in Ohio shared with us that his daughter Lizzie donated her first deer to FHFH! Lizzie has been hunting for three years, and it has been her wish to donate her first deer to FHFH.

THANK YOU SO MUCH, Lizzie, for donating your deer to help feed the people ​in your community struggling with hunger.

A Generous Youth in Maryland Donates His Buck to Feed the Hungry
Buck To Feed The Hungry

A generous youth in Maryland recently donated his first deer to FHFH. Eli said, “God blessed me, so I will bless others.”

THANK YOU SO MUCH, Eli, for donating your buck to help feed the people ​in your community struggling with hunger.

Generous Youth Donates First Buck to Feed the Hungry!

Nick In Ohio

Nick in Ohio recently shared this inspiring story with us. Last Thanksgiving, Nick’s 11-year-old son Kyler shot his first buck. Shortly fterward that day, Nick also shot a buck. Nick said Kyler has such a giving heart that he decided to donate his deer to FHFH. Nick felt compelled to donate his deer as well, so they took both deer to one of our FHFH participating butcher shops—Sunset Meat Market in Piqua, Ohio. When they donated their deer the butcher thanked them and congratulated Kyler on his first buck.

We sent Nick and Kyler several FHFH hats and an FHFH news magazine. Kyler was surprised and said, “I want to donate all of my deer to them!” Nick thought he was just excited by the hats, but was humbled to learn Kyler had been motivated by the stories in our news magazine. According to Kyler, “We can feed a lot more families with our deer!”

THANK YOU SO MUCH Nick and Kyler for donating your bucks to help feed the people ​in your community struggling with hunger.

“As a family-owned company, we have always had an eye out for ways to help other families. LEM has partnered with Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry (FHFH) because we believe in their mission. FHFH helps pay for donated venison to be processed and delivered to food shelters and other organizations across the country.”

Mossy Oak
Mossy Oak

“What better way to enlighten people on the positive role hunters play in today’s society than sharing their bounty. We learned years ago from Josh Wilson at FHFH that food banks and shelters do amazing work but are almost always lacking in protein in the meals they serve. Helping your fellow man is what FHFH does, and Mossy Oak is proud to have been a small part in their mission. God bless them for their tireless effort.”

Toxey Haas
​Owner/Founder of Mossy Oak

Quality Deer
Quality Deer Management Association
“The Quality Deer Management Association’s long-standing support for FHFH is due to their unwavering commitment to improving the lives of the one in seven Americans who are food insecure. Very few organizations address this basic, yet vital need in our society, nor can they match FHFH’s enviable record of success and impact. Simply stated, they are an organization that both deserves your support and earns your respect.”

Brian Murphy
Chief Executive Officer at QDMA

Sam’s Club Teams Up With FHFH
Samu2019s Club

For the fifth consecutive year, Sam’s Club 6544 in Loveland, Ohio has teamed with the Southwest Ohio Chapter of Farmers & Hunters Feeding the Hungry to supply venison to local food banks and feeding ministries in Cincinnati. The Loveland Sam’s Club donated $1000 through the Hunger Relief Grant program. Thank you, Sam’s Club!

Pictured from left to right are Sam’s Club associates Matt Wilkes, Sara Briggs, Southwest Ohio FHFH Coordinator Don Distler, associates Theresa Sutherland and Vickie Dosier, Sam’s Club Manager Mitch Rath and Southwest Ohio FHFH Coordinator Donald Boling.

Chamblee Georgia
Walmart Foundation

FHFH North Atlanta Coordinator, Carson Saville, (center) received a $1000 community grant from the Walmart store in Chamblee, Georgia.

Special thanks to the Walmart Foundation for their local grants program that provides millions of dollars annually to local charities serving communities nationwide!

Feeding Hungry People
Feeding Hungry People Is the Most Rewarding Thing

John and Beth Mollet have been volunteer coordinators for FHFH since 2005. Their chapter, Central Indiana FHFH, serves Hamilton, Marion, Hancock, Henry and Madison counties.

“Knowing that we’ve provided for hungry people is the most rewarding, children in particular. We both have a heart for the child and the elderly, and there are a lot of people out there that don’t have food,” John said. “Stats say one in five children go to bed hungry, and feeding hungry people is the most rewarding thing.”

FHFH Is a Family Ministry
FHFH Is A Family Ministry

Matt Coblentz, our new Chapter Coordinator for Lehigh Valley FHFH in Pennsylvania, was “blown away” when his wife Kelly and daughter Julia asked to help him out at the Lehigh Valley Hunting and Fishing Expo!

Kelly told him they wanted to help because “FHFH is a family ministry. It fits what we all love to do!”

Coordinator Ken Worman
Coordinator Ken Worman Blessed to Be a Part of FHFH

Ken Worman, Coordinator for Cass County FHFH in Indiana, says, “This is what makes being a part of such an awesome Christian Organization (FHFH) so special and rewarding; the feeling you get helping God to feed His people is so unbelievable. I am so blessed just being a part of FHFH.

We don’t realize how well we have it, until you go visit a pantry or mission. Being such a small piece of the puzzle can make your heart and mind feel so huge.

God bless all the FHFH staff, the coordinators, deer processors, pantries and all people involved in helping to feed our hungry in the greatest nation of all, the USA.”

Sharing a Passion for God and the Great Outdoors!
Tim Fisher

Tim Fisher, Co-Coordinator for Southwest Ohio FHFH, says, “I enjoy being an FHFH coordinator because it brings me closer to people like myself who share a passion for God and the great outdoors. Furthermore, I believe there comes a time in every hunter’s life that they have a desire to give back. FHFH does just that, and actually sheds positive light to the minds of the anti- and non-hunting public. It’s such a rewarding feeling to help others and not just ourselves!